2020 Registration is open at the Broadway and Alma garden

Hello fellow gardeners,

Wow, 2020 sure started off with a bang weather wise ─ How about that cold snap, the arctic air and of course all that snow!  We hope that you had a chance to enjoy it (or shelter from it) and that it didn’t wreak too much havoc on your life.  Not only was the snow substantial it has also turned out to be one of the top three wettest Januaries on record for Vancouver, with somewhere upwards of 230mm falling over the month!

February has arrived at the Broadway & Alma garden and spring feels just around the corner.  Soon enough you will planting out your early spring crops like beans, spinach, radishes, mustard, kale and lettuce.  I’ve been checking in on peoples garlic and they sure are starting to take off.

Here are a few updates for the upcoming growing season, as well as important information on how to register and pay for your garden beds for the 2020 growing season.


All new and returning gardeners are asked to complete our online sign-up registration form in order to secure your bed(s) for the coming year. This sign-up form also allows you to pay for your garden bed(s) online using your credit card.


Click here to register and pay for your garden beds for 2020.

The deadline for garden registration and fee payment is our Meet & Greet event in early April.

As always, the garden beds you were allocated in 2019 are yours for 2020!


As mentioned in last month’s mail out, we observed that gardeners (throughout the 2019 season) were bringing extra plant pots to the garden and placing them around their beds.  Unfortunately, this is not allowed. Thank you to all who removed these extra pots. We will be going through the gardens in the next 2 weeks and removing any other pots that we see next to garden beds.  If you have pots around your garden beds and don’t want us removing them, please stop by the garden and take them home!


Our official Meet & Greet event will take place in early April 2020 (To be announced in next month’s newsletter). This is a great event to come by the garden, say hello, plant your first round of veggies and pay your garden fees (if you haven’t already!)

The Meet & Greet also serves as the final deadline for Garden Registration and Payment.

If we haven't received your online sign-up info and payment by this time, your beds will be offered to a gardener on our wait list. If you wish to pay your Gardener Fees with cash or cheque, this event is a great time to deliver this method of payment.


We are looking for new gardeners to sign up for a bed or current gardeners to take on another bed at a few of our gardens.  If this is you or you know of friends, family or people in your network who are looking for some growing space, please pass on the information and have them email us at: garden@communitygardenbuilders.com

Here are the gardens with some open beds to grow in:

Atlin & 29th

Oak & 41st

Dunbar & 39th

Dunbar & 28th

Cambie & 59th


Help us grow and create new garden spaces by reviewing us online! A quick Google rating will let us know how we're doing and will increase our online presence. Link here to review us on Google, it's only a few clicks!


If you’re new to growing or you just haven’t thought about it because it’s winter, it’s a good idea to start thinking about what you’re going to be planting this spring and how you are going to prepare your soil.  Here’s a great resource (gardening basics by Westcoast seeds) to refresh or introduce you to getting ready for the spring and also how to grow in garden beds and containers (West coast Seeds).

Let’s hope the groundhog doesn’t see its shadow and spring comes early.

Happy February!