Register now for Cambie & 16th

Hello fellow gardeners,

We seem to be stuck in that indecisive early spring weather, where bluebird days tango with flurries, and daffodils fend off the frost. In general, it’s still a bit early to start gardening, but we’re certainly getting close.

Here are some important updates for March:


If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to register and pay for your garden beds for the upcoming growing season.

The deadline for registration is March 15th.


If you are no longer interested in being part of the garden, please send us an email ASAP so that we can allocate your bed(s) to someone on our very long waitlist. Please include the Garden Name and your Bed Number(s) in the email. We’re sorry to see you go!


We will be delivering a load of fresh, organic compost toward the end of the month. Plan on adding a bucket or two to your garden bed to boost productivity and bulk up your soil levels.


We will be hooking up hoses and activating the watering system once we’re past the last frost date, which is typically in late March or early April. Meantime, the rain will do the trick.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to register.

Here’s to sunny days in March.