Feeling the Burn at Oak & 41st

Hello fellow gardeners,

It is hot out there! And while lawns and soccer pitches struggle through the heat, well watered garden beds are bursting with colour and bounty: tomatoes, peppers, beans, kale, lettuces. We hope the harvest is filling the fridge!

Here are a few garden updates for August:


We're well into hot, drought-like weather––beautiful beach conditions, but a real strain on our plants and the watering system at large. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you encounter any leaks or busted nozzles.

High heat also increases the need for thorough, deep-down watering. Try testing how deep the water has penetrated the soil by digging down a bit after watering; it may surprise you how much watering it takes to get down to those roots.


A reminder to always shut off the main water source after you've finished watering and are set to leave the garden. This ensures that water (and pressure) are not building up in the hoses, minimizing strain and the risk of leaks.  


If you haven't yet picked your garlic (or if you have, and are in the early stages of curing and storing), here's a quick video that offers some basic tips on how it's done.

And even though Halloween and first frost feels far away, August is actually the time to start seeding for late season crops like spinach, chard, beets, kale and other cool-season salad greens like arugula, mache and certain mesclun blends. Use this handy chart from Farmer's Almanac to find out seeding dates for specific plants. Note that Vancouver's first frost date tends to come in early November, so the October 30th column is a pretty accurate bet for our climate.