April at Oak

Hello fellow gardeners,

It’s undeniable, gardening season has officially arrived at the community garden! With cherry blossoms opening up across the city and bees buzzing around the garden, we couldn't be more excited to get this growing season started.

Here are a few garden updates:


As a reminder, the combination for the shed lock is 000. Please keep this area tidy and let us know if any tools get damaged or go missing.


Please remember to turn the water OFF before you leave the garden. This helps with the longevity of the equipment.

Also, keep your eyes open for any leaks or if the nozzle is broken, and let us know ASAP in an email or text. There is also a spare nozzle in the garden shed for a quick fix.


We'll be supplying organic compost to boost your garden beds with nutrients for the growing season. You’re invited to add a bucket or two to each of your beds. Please don’t take too much––we’d like everyone to get the opportunity to freshen their bed.


Check out this regional grow guide for South Coastal BC for info on when to seed what veggie crop.

Happy Growing and stay safe out there!!